Guide for The Callisto Protocol (2024)

Chapter 1

I will be pointing out collectables in this text walkthrough but I have also made this handy video showing where all the Bios and secret rooms are.

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Like I mentioned before, this guide is designed to get all the achievements in one playthrough. We will be playing on the hardest difficulty and collecting everything we need for the achievements. If that sounds like it's not your thing or will slow the game down too much, then feel free to give yourself multiple playthroughs. I will say that after a recent patch, the game is astronomically easier to play and Maximum Security (the current hardest difficulty) really is not that hard. With all that being said, at the main menu select "New Experience" and Maximum Security.

I'm going to keep this a spoiler-free walkthrough, so I'll be glossing over all the cut-scenes and story beats. Once you gain control of our protagonist, Jacob Lee, aboard our space ship, we can knock out a quick achievement. Let's go ahead and grab our first and easiest achievement for pausing the game, going down to "photo mode" and taking a picture in it.

  • Mugshot

    Take a photo using photo mode

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (1)

    1 guideGuide for The Callisto Protocol (2)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (3)

Walk down this hallway until we reach the first door on our left. Enter it and inside of a locker that we can open with Guide for The Callisto Protocol (4) we will find our first collectable, a Bios (1/43). Keep walking down the hallway we were just in and out into the cargo bay. This section is going to teach us the different ways we can navigate obstacles. You're going to vault over some boxes with Guide for The Callisto Protocol (5)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (6) and mantle a box using the same buttons. As you approach the flaming hole in the ship you will earn an achievement.

  • The Outer Way

    Find the Outer Way boarding craft

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (7)

    1 guideGuide for The Callisto Protocol (8)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (9)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (10)

Continue on and crouch using Guide for The Callisto Protocol (11), shimmy through a tight space with Guide for The Callisto Protocol (12), and sprint with Guide for The Callisto Protocol (13). You'll sprint through the door and after a short cut-scene you will have to hold forward on the left thumb stick to climb back into the captain's chair where the chapter will end and we will watch another cut-scene. Welcome to Callisto.

Chapter 2

There is a short dream sequence where we have to "explore the cell." Just walk around a bit until you hear a music box that's laying on the ground next to your bunk. Now we're awake. Bad news, you're in prison. (I've played this game three times now and I'm not totally sure why they locked you up.) The good news is, the prison is under attack! The bad news is it's being attacked by alien zombie things. Fortunately, that means our door is now unlocked! Take a right out of your cell until you see a staircase on your left. Take it down to meet a Elias. He'll tell you how to unlock his cell and gives you a shiv that will unlock:

  • Desperate Times

    Elias gives Jacob a shiv

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (14)

    1 guideGuide for The Callisto Protocol (15)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (16)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (17)

Vault over the boxes and use the shiv on the control panel and shimmy your way past the door. Take a right and enter the next room where the game teaches you about combat. Basically you need to hold either Guide for The Callisto Protocol (18) or Guide for The Callisto Protocol (19) before an attack. It doesn't matter which one and there is no timing (we will go over perfect dodges in a bit). Now, say you dodge the first attack by holding Guide for The Callisto Protocol (20) and the enemy is going to attack you again, you then must hold Guide for The Callisto Protocol (21). Alternating dodges like this is the key to combat and later enemies will attack you up to 3 times in a row. Pay attention to an enemies body language after each attack. You'll know an enemy is done attacking when they either stumble forward a bit or take a big step back. You then get to attack them using Guide for The Callisto Protocol (22), and once your combo is over the cycle starts all over. Take care of the two inmates and then you'll have to fight your first "Biophage." This is a good place to practice the combat. Take your time and really learn how to dodge an attack.

Here, I managed to snag the achievement for taking off both arms...

  • Flesh Wound

    Use melee or ranged weapons to take both arms off a living enemy

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (23)

    1 guideGuide for The Callisto Protocol (24)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (25)

When your done, unlock Elias' cell with the nearby computer console. Leave the way you came and at the end of the walkway you'll chat with Elias again. He points you toward the elevator. Walk through the far door and at the end of this walkway is another Biophage. The game teaches you about blocking, using Guide for The Callisto Protocol (26) to block an incoming attack. We won't be doing much blocking, but this is still useful info to have. Also, occasionally the enemies will grab you and you must mash Guide for The Callisto Protocol (27) to escape. Don't forget to stomp on the body with Guide for The Callisto Protocol (28) once dead.

With that out of the way, hang a right before the door and take the lift down a level. Leave the lift, taking a left, and crouch under some debris. Once on the other side another Biophage will climb up the railing. Here we are going to practice perfect dodges. I told you before how to do a regular dodge, but if you flick the left Guide for The Callisto Protocol (29) to the left or right AS AN OPPONENT IS WINDING UP FOR AN ATTACK (instead of holding it) you will perform a perfect dodge. The timing for this is not very intuitive as you have to do it MUCH earlier than you might think, but you'll know you did it right when the camera goes slow-mo. Performing 5 successful perfect dodges grants an achievement. This is a very buggy achievement with some people saying it only tracks when certain types of enemies attack (clothed enemies as opposed to shirtless). I can confirm that this tracks across multiple playthroughs but is best to get out of the way early so we don't have to worry about it later. Just grind it out on the rest of the enemies on this chapter. Once you do it 5 times (or the game decides that you've done it 5 times), you will unlock:

  • Float Like A Butterfly

    Perfect dodge five times

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (30)

    4 guidesGuide for The Callisto Protocol (31)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (32)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (33)

Just after fighting the Biophage, look for a wall storage unit glowing green. Interact with it to receive a health injector, which prompts a tutorial for that.

Continue down the walkway and open the door on your left to the lift. Go down the only path you can until you reach an item you can pick up on top of some boxes on the right. This is an Energy Converter and can be sold for some Callisto Bucks at a store (Called a Reforger) we will find later. Go through the door on your left and go through every open cell, collecting more Callisto Bucks. In the second room on the right (you have to shimmy to get into it) there is an orange box with blue lights. These are breakable boxes with useful materials in them. Be on the lookout for these and collect all that you find. Open the door at the end of the hallway to find an identical hallway that we can search for more money and once more open the door at the end of the hallway.

Elias will call you and you will reach a slightly larger box with an emblem above it. These either have lots of loot, or a "Biophage Leech" that will attack us. Open this one. Hang a left and call the elevator. Vault over the boxes and watch a security bot liberate some inmates from the burden of life. Passing through the archway, take a left and climb up into the vents. Wait for the Security Bot to turn around before climbing out. Crouch with Guide for The Callisto Protocol (34) and follow the left-hand side while the Bot will take the path to the right. Just take your time and hide from him whenever he turns to your side of the room. Before the "Implant M110" door, there is a health injector in a box on the wall to the left. Go through the door and all the way across the room on the right is box with some green lights on it and a glowing blue box at the top. Interact with this to get the Gate Fuse. (we use these a lot to unlock busted doors). While looking at the now-empty fuse box, look left and on a ledge in front of you. You'll see a Bios (2/43). Take the stairs to the left and plug in the Gate Fuse at the end of the hallway. Fight an enemy that's on fire and make your way down into the security control room where you have to climb up into another vent (lots of health in this room).

You'll crawl into a room with 2 enemies this time, but don't worry because the Biophage are very good boys and usually wait their turn before attacking you. Climb into another vent on the right side of the room and pop out in a security room. Here we trade in our crowbar for a Stun Baton. It works the exact same but we can upgrade this bad boy. Activate the console in front of us and as we try to leave a Biophage attacks us.

Leave this room and crouch under a door, following the only path we can take. Eventually you'll go through a door that takes us back to roughly where we started. Take a right getting the health injector on the wall. There are 3 enemies ahead of us. While you can bait them out one at a time, like I said earlier, they more or less get in a single file line to attack you. Once you kill them (and stomp their bodies), vault over the boxes and immediately to your right in an open cell is Bios 3/43. Go up the staircase at the end of the walkway and hang a left to enter the main security hub place where a cut scene will play. The second you get control of Lee, walk to the large table in the middle of the room with the green hologram on it to pick up Bios 4/43. Turn around and walk through a series of doors and a security gate to reach the end of the chapter.

Chapter 3

Walk down the hall and down some stairs. You will be attacked after opening this door. Shimmy through the Access Hall to be reunited with Elias. There are four lockers on the left and one cabinet on the right you can look through. Follow Elias and he will give you a frame for our first gun. On the other end of the room is our first Reforger, but before activating it, look just to the right of it for a supply box. With our 800 bucks, open the Reforger. Hit Guide for The Callisto Protocol (35) to bring up a list of items we can sell and hold Guide for The Callisto Protocol (36) on the Energy Converters we picked up. Craft the pistol (costs $800) to unlock:

  • Paper Jams

    Print a weapon for the first time

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (37)

    1 guideGuide for The Callisto Protocol (38)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (39)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (40)

Elias will tell you that we have to spring an inmate out of the SHU (fun fact, stands for Special Housing Units). Go back to the Reforger and this time navigate to the Stun Baton. Were going to buy the upgrade "Increased Velocity Alloy Sheath" (costs $300), which gives us an extra swing every combo. It will also unlock:

  • Reforged

    Print a weapon upgrade

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (41)

    1 guideGuide for The Callisto Protocol (42)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (43)

Head through the far door and in here we will learn about gun combat. You can shoot enemies to death (like any other game), but, in this game, the ideal time to use a gun is when finishing a melee combo. A blue reticle will appear on the enemy, then you press Guide for The Callisto Protocol (44) to auto-lock on and fire with Guide for The Callisto Protocol (45). This will sometimes take a limb off but will always set you up for another melee combo. After finishing off the cop zombie, take the lift down. In this next room, we're going to learn about stealth kills.

Press Guide for The Callisto Protocol (46) to sneak up behind an enemy and Guide for The Callisto Protocol (47) to perform the kill. This is always a one-hit kill. The only downside is that sneaking is lame and slows the game down a lot. Go up the next flight of stairs and here we will be introduced to a new enemy type, The Spitter. It has a ranged attack which is the only time that blocking is really beneficial. If he shoots this ranged attack at you simply hold Guide for The Callisto Protocol (48) to block some of the incoming damage. Other than that, take him out as you see fit. Hang a left in this room and go around the outside until you reach the next room that has a vent we can crawl into to.

When you exit the vent, note the security bot nearby. There are two enemies in this next room that you can stealth kill, then go to the door at the far end that is locked. Elias will tell you to look for a dead security guard. Head back towards the security bot and just past him on the floor is the guard we need and his Bios 5/43. Go back to the locked door that will now open for you and this will take you to the laundry room. walk alongside the swinging laundry bags (you're going to get attacked here), and when you reach a door on your left and on your right, take the door to your right. Follow the walkway down and in the last room on the left is a supply crate with ammo and health in the breakable cases, and Bios 6/43 on the guard.

Now head back to our fork in the road and take the door on the left. Go down the ramp and at the next fork, keep going straight towards a door with display "Supply B426" over it. Keep going until you find the locked door in front of us. Cut through it and on the right-hand side of this room there is a vent you can crouch into. This is a long path and there is really only one way to go. Keep going down and follow the blue lights. Eventually you will find a room we can shimmy into and there is Bios 7/43 in the back of the room. This is also the first of two Secret Rooms we will be finding for an achievement. Don't miss the supply box on your way out.

Leave this room and take your first right where the orange light is coming from. Take the ladder up and this puts us into the room we just came from. Grab the Energy Converter to your right. Leave this room, back the way we originally came, and two Biophages will be waiting for you. Kill them and head back towards the laundry room but take a right and go through the "Maintenance B414" door. Go through this room (you'll be attacked) and find the door you have to pry open. Just on the other side of this door on the ground is another Bios we have to pry out of the neck of some poor nurse Bios (8/43). Also in this room is another supply box. Keep walking and navigate to the only "open" door in this room and shimmy through it to find the GRP Glove. After you pick up your glove, grab the Gate Fuse that's to your left. Walk through this room triggering a hologram to play out and head towards the locked door where 3 enemies will attack you.

GRP is by far the strongest mechanic in this game. The downside is the battery is garbage and it takes forever to recharge. You can pick an enemy up with Guide for The Callisto Protocol (49) and Guide for The Callisto Protocol (50) and then throw them with Guide for The Callisto Protocol (51). Throwing them at anything will do a little bit of damage and always set them up for a combo. AND if you throw them into any environmental hazard it is always a one-hit kill. (There are MANY spike walls throughout the game. I don't know what they are called or even what their purpose could be in this universe but if you throw a Biophage into them it will end their "life"). Here is also a good chance to knock out an annoying achievement early. You need to final blow with the stun baton after GRPing an enemy to you. It might sound complicated, but its actually quite easy. Just do some damage to an enemy, back up, GRP him to you, release him (don't throw him), and hit him with a single melee attack. The single melee attack has to kill him but you can try over and over again just make sure you don't throw the enemy. Simply let go of the GRP button. It's okay if you don't get it here since you can have the rest of the game to try this. Once you do it, you will unlock:

  • In Striking Distance

    Kill an enemy via GRP and a melee combo

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (52)

    2 guidesGuide for The Callisto Protocol (53)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (54)

Unlock the the door with our Gate Fuse and head straight. In this room there are 3 lockers on the left and a Reforger right in front of us. Sell all our Energy Converters and if you have more than 12 hand gun bullets you should sell those too. Go back to the Buy screen and purchase another stun baton upgrade called "Block Break." (This is 900 bucks.) This will cut off the arm of any Biophage that tries to block one of our attacks allowing us to do more damage and also reduce the number of attacks an enemy gets. This will also make it easier to unlock an achievement (that you may already have) for taking both the arms of enemy before killing it. If you're still having trouble with this simply approach an enemy from the side that he still has an arm left and perform a melee combo to unlock:

Head back the way we came (health injector on the wall) and take your next left through the door marked "Med Observation C108." Keep going until you have to pry a door open that has a bunch of guards just hanging out. On the floor is a body with Bios 9/43. Go through this room and take a left then shimmy through some elevator doors. A short cut-scene will play and you will meet a new enemy called a Leech. All you have to do is mash Guide for The Callisto Protocol (58) to kill them and you can also stomp on their dead... sack-thing to get materials.

Take a left and climb up the blood-splattered ledge and another leech will attack you. Drop down next to the big "D4" sign. Go around to the left where you will be attacked. Grab this Biophage with your GRP and throw him into the spike wall that is right in front of you to unlock:

  • Workplace Hazard

    Use GRP to kill an enemy by throwing them into an environmental hazard

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (59)

    1 guideGuide for The Callisto Protocol (60)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (61)

Take a right at the big fan (a third leech will attack you) and head towards the small fire on the ground, taking a left towards the backside of the giant spinning fan. Here another Biophage will jump out of the ground, but you're going to GRP him and throw him into the spinning fan. Back here there is a supply box and Bios 10/43.

Head back towards the fire and jump up on to the ledge. When you reach the other side you're going to find 4 or 5 enemies milling around. You'll want to GRP as many as possible into the spike wall or GRP the red canister on the ground and throw it at them all for easy kills. When you're done, jump down and head towards the flashlight laying on the ground in the back and pick up the Gate Fuse. Go to the giant, well-lit door in the this room and plug in the Gate Fuse. Follow this path and take the elevator up to Elias. As you leave, you'll earn the following:

  • If the SHU Fits...

    Activate the SHU

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (62)

    1 guideGuide for The Callisto Protocol (63)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (64)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (65)

Continue down two flights of stairs to the Reforger. Here you can really upgrade whatever you'd like, but my recommendation would be any of the GRP Glove upgrades. Jump on the lift that will ferry you across to the SHU. The far doors will open and you can GRP and release all the enemies you see to kill them.

Alright, so this room is the first real test to see if you've learned the combat mechanics. There are 3 health injectors (2 on the first floor and 1 on the top floor) and two GRP batteries on the first floor. When you're ready, grab the two gate fuses from the far wall, turn around and go back to the first door and on either side of it are two platforms you can climb up. Before plugging the two fuses in up here, there is Bios 11/43 on a dead body up here. After plugging in the fuses, every surface becomes a hazard. The best strategy is to just stand in the middle of the room and spin in circles looking for enemies that spawn, GRP them, and throw them into one of the many walls of death. About 10 - 12 Biophages spawn and the blades will automatically start to wind down when you're done.

Doing this GRP method over and over also unlocked these two achievements:

  • Chew 'Em Up

    Kill ten enemies with environmental hazards

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (66)

    2 guidesGuide for The Callisto Protocol (67)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (68)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (69)

  • Get a Grip

    Grab twenty-five enemies with the GRP

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (70)

    1 guideGuide for The Callisto Protocol (71)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (72)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (73)

Head through the now-unlocked door (there is a Biophage without any legs behind this door for some reason). Go up the spiral staircase and activate the orange terminal in front of you. Turn around and walk around to the other side of this room to pick up the Energy Converter. Turning around, you'll see another Reforger. Sell anything you'd like to free up the backpack space but odds are you can't buy any upgrades yet. Head back down the staircase and around to the now-unlocked door. There are a few bad guys out here that you can either GRP off the edge or just fight. When you're done, on the right-hand side interact with the middle computer (fourth from the left and third from the right). This will trigger a (kind of long) cut-scene where Lee will jump you. When you gain control of Lee, turn around and on the table in this cell is Bios 12/43.

Make your way out of the cell and you'll be interrupted by a few cut-scenes, but you'll make your way through some vents. You will get attacked by a single Biophage and will have to shimmy through some pipes. You'll come to a room where Lee will say "what was that?" Then some leeches will crawl out of the vent. If you can manage to GRP one and shoot it back at the others it does create a small explosion. They also drop items like any other enemy.

Keep making your way through the pipes, climbing down a ladder until a Biophage attacks you. On this same level is a vent we have to GRP the cover off of. Climb through to kill the other Biophage waiting for you. In this room there should be some spare pistol ammo, which is good because we're going to get an achievement in here. One of those security bots is walking around, but they are surprisingly easy to kill. It walks around the room in the same loop every time. Just wait until its back is turned and shoot it 4-5 times in its head. It might take you a few tries, and if you can't get it, there is another chance to grab it later that is a little easier. Once you kill the robot, loot his body as he has a Decoder on him. You will also unlock:

  • Terminated

    Take down a security robot

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (74)

    3 guidesGuide for The Callisto Protocol (75)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (76)

Make your way to the back of the room towards a well-lit vent. A police Biophage will attack you. Right before the vent, take a left and in a small side room is an Energy Converter. Crouch into he vent and shimmy past some more vents. You're going to come to a long stretch of hallway that has a trap at the far end. Before entering the hallway, look up and left to find a vent you can GRP off with a few boxes to open inside.

The trap is a spinning blade thing that runs up and down the hallway when you walk into it. There are three outlets in the hallway that we can use to hide in, but be warned a Biophage jumps out at each one. This is also a great opportunity to GRP them into the environmental hazard. At the last outlet, walk into the hallway just a little to trigger the trap. Once it passes, run to the wall and climb inside the vent. In this room, walk towards the window to trigger a short cut-scene.

Walk all the way around the room and open the three lockers, then take a right to activate a ladder.

Chapter 4

After taking an additional ladder down you'll be in a circular room with a health injector on the wall and a Reforger. Sell everything you can/are comfortable with and buy any upgrade you want. I recommend the GRP recharge speed, GRP Velocity, AND the riot control swing (this just gives you a heavy attack by holding Guide for The Callisto Protocol (77)).

Run down the spiral staircase and down yet another ladder. In this next circular room next to the "Water Processing" door, there is a blue crate that we can move around. Move it 90 degrees to the right to a small, yellow ledge hat has a supply box on top of it, and then to the short pillar in the center of the room to get an Energy Convertor on top. (You can go back to the Reforger and sell these items.) Now go back to where the crate originally was and crawl through. You'll drop down into a sewer level (yaaaay...). Go towards the far outlet (you'll be jumped on the way there), turn the valve, and jump up into the vent.

After leaving the vent, turn left. There is a door marked "Purification B H207" with a box in front of it. Jump up on to the box and up the ledge above that. Bios 13/43 is right in front of you and there is also a supply box up there. Jump back down and right before that door there is a vent you can crawl into. You'll crawl out into a circular room with a cross shape in the middle. Get the gate fuse from the middle and the back-right corner of the room. Then, as we walk to the left-side of the room we will meet a new baddie: a Rusher. These guys are invisible. Like really invisible but they don't have very much health so once you have one in a combo, it's pretty much dead. Plug the Gate Fuse in (a Spitter will spawn) and in the opposite corner we can plug the other Gate Fuse in. There are two lockers in the back, and before leaving this room on the ground in front of the door is Bios 14/43.

Lee will say something about following a red pipe, but don't follow it. Instead, crouch through an opening to the left as soon as you can. GRP the vent cover off and crawl into the vent. It will lead you to a side room with a searchable desk with a supply box in the back room.

Now leave through the door and follow the red pipe down. In the water, keep walking towards the back (there is a small side room to the left with a leech and a few Callisto bucks) and walk up the stairs with the green light coming from them. Turn the valve that the light is coming from and climb up into those vents. There is a Reforger in this room so sell anything you'd like, and I would recommend buying the Damage Upgrade Level 1 for the shock baton, or any of the GRP upgrades.

Now turn the valve in the back of the room and a bunch of Leeches will spawn. Once killed, the door in front of you will be unlocked. Walk back down into the water and take a left, you'll see a vent with a white light coming out of it. Crawl through and shimmy past some pipes. There is a health injector in front of you. Climb up the ladder and 3 enemies will spawn shortly after entering the next room. Take your first right (with the light pointing at you) and climb up the ladder to get the Gate Fuse. On your way back, two more Biophage will jump you. You can take the second right for a supply box at the end of the catwalk, but then 3 more Biophage will attack you. Go to the end of the initial catwalk to the "Access Hall H206" door and plug in the Gate Fuse.

You'll come across a door on you right marked "Water Control H262" but keep going all the way around to the door marked "Storage Hall H239." Go down this hall and past another door with a Gate Fuse just past it. Grab it, turn around, and plug it in at the next terminal in front of the door to your left. There are 5 lockers you can open in the decompression area and the next room has lots of items; there's a supply box in the far room, and Bios 15/43 next to a dead body on a gurney.

Head back towards the water control door. Listen to the hologram and try and activate the computer in the center of the room. Turn left and go through the far door. Go down the stairs and to the left in the "Office F244" are a some goodies including an Energy Converter. On the right, go through the "Lounge F231." Again, lots of goodies including a Reforger.

Turn left and shimmy past a dead body and through the next door where we will be introduced to Mutated Biophages. When a zombie starts to grow tentacles from his tummy, he will start to mutate. Mutants get all their health and limbs back, do more damage, and are just a general headache. If you shoot them in the tentacles before they turn, then it will do extra damage (along with preventing them from mutating). After you kill him, on the chair under the sport light is Bios 16/43 and the key to getting to the next level.

Leave through the now-unlocked door and up the stairs. In the room with the computer terminal, two Biophages have spawned (they can't be GRPd over the railing). After activating the terminal, the water level will start to drop and 3 Rushers will spawn. After killing them, go up to the railing and press the button to extend the catwalk and climb up the ladder. After dropping down into the tank, you can turn around to find a few meager Callisto bucks. Otherwise, walk a short distance to start the pipe slide section. This is a pretty standard water slide section, all you have to do is move left and right to avoid obstacles. Towards the end you'll get attacked and will have to mash Guide for The Callisto Protocol (78) a few times. Once over, you'll climb up the chain and unlock:

  • Without A Paddle

    Survive the pipeslide

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (79)

    1 guideGuide for The Callisto Protocol (80)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (81)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (82)

There are a few items up on the ledge around the hole. Leave through the only door and while walking down the long hallway 4 Biophages will spawn. (All Biophages are going to start mutating after taking enough damage now.) You can open the maintenance door in front of you and explore the next couple of rooms if you'd like, but there are no collectibles or anything relating to achievements. No matter what you choose to do you'll end up back here. Go down the stairs and open the door for a pretty cool view. Take the elevator down and listen to Elias.

Extend the bridge to oxygen processing. There is another Security Bot that makes a loop here and is the last place you can get the "Terminated" achievement. You can follow him and find a red canister that you can GRP at him to weaken him before shooting him in the head. Otherwise, turn left and go through the O2 Oxygen processing door. There is a Reforger in this room, so sell any valuables but don't buy anything yet. Take the door to the left of the entrance and go all the way to the end of the hall. Take a right into the side room (there is a supply box in here) and shimmy into the next room. There is one leech crawling around, Bios 17/43, and a schematic to a new gun. Head back to the Reforger. You'll be attacked by two zombies. And it was here I got my 10th environmental kill. Don't worry if you haven't unlocked it, there are plenty of opportunities later.

  • Chew 'Em Up

    Kill ten enemies with environmental hazards

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (83)

    2 guidesGuide for The Callisto Protocol (84)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (85)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (86)

Back at the Reforger, buy the SKUNK gun for $800. It's the first of two guns that we're going to focus on upgrading for this run. It's just like the pistol... but it's a shotgun... sort of. To switch between the pistol and SKUNK, just hit Guide for The Callisto Protocol (87) and then select which one you would like to use. Now head through the door to the left of the Reforger and head to the end of this hallway (three biophages spawn). Take a left (there is 1 more Biophage who is easy to stealth kill) and find a health injector.

A bunch of steam will form in the room and a rusher will attack you. At the end of this hallway, you can take a right to go into a side room with a lot of ammo and health (and leeches) in it or you can continue with the main story and crawl up into the vent the rusher came out of. On the other side of the vent is a dead body with Bios 18/43 and the key to the next area. Activate the terminal next to the Reforger to lift the lockdown and then we can leave this area back the way we came (towards the security bot).

Head out and take a left towards Utility, and once you get the next walkway a rusher is going to attack you, followed by 4 or 5 more (one at a time). Once they're dead, keep heading towards and through the "Utility H630" door. Once inside, take a left and open the "Hall H631" door. Down here there are 3 pretty strong enemies and no environmental kill options, so do your best because at the end of this room under the "Tram Depot Entrance" sign is Bios 19/43. (You have to vault over a lot of tables.)

Now go back to the first room, and instead of taking a left to go into the room we just came from, take a right and head down the ladder. Just follow the path until you find the giant spinning meat grinder in the center of the room. They're are 4-5 enemies here that you can one-shot by GRPing them into this contraption. This is a good place for environmental kills if you don't have those achievements yet, and it's also where I GRPed my 25th zombie to unlock:

  • Get a Grip

    Grab twenty-five enemies with the GRP

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (88)

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Walk along the right side of the meat grinder room and crouch under a raised forklift. Follow Elias's voice and watch the cut-scene which will conclude Chapter 4.

Chapter 5

We wake up on the surface of the planet in a fancy new suit that increases our health and inventory space. A lot of this is just going to be walking forward for awhile, so just walk towards any light you see (one Biophage will attack you out here). We find Elias who has seen better days, and then Danni, who doesn't give us a ride despite not having a pilot to get her off this moon (if we die). Open the gate and head towards the back. You'll see to open doors. Search both of these huts with the one on the left having Bios 20/43.

Head back out and take a left, going through the C2 door. There is a Reforger to the right. At this point in the game I only recommend buying GRP or SKUNK upgrades. Head out and down the stairs to the room with the yellow light and watch out for frozen enemies because some of them are still alive. I recommend meeleing each one to get the jump on them. Eventually you'll find yourself outside again.

Run up the hill towards the bridge (2 or 3 Biophages will attack) walk across the right-hand side of the bridge (once you reach the truck with the light it will look like you can't keep going, but go up to the railing on the right). Once all the way across, a rusher will attack you. Deal with them then activate the gate.

We're at one of the most difficult encounters in the game and it might take you a few tries. You're objective is to help the worker get to the snow cat. It's also important to note that there are two doors in this area, one on the left and the other on the right. They both have orange lights above them. I recommend sticking to the left side of the arena, throwing as many red canisters at the rushers, and slowly make your way around the outside of the arena (Biophage will continuously burst from the ground as you walk around). When you hear the worker get attacked over the intercom, go to the door on the right side which a Biophage will open, and search this room for goodies and Bios 21/43. After looting everything, go to the door on the left side and unlock it.

Down in the basem*nt might look a little confusing, but there is really only one direction to go. You'll crawl under some debris and on the other side you'll be at a fork in the road. Take a left and Bios 22/43 is on the table in this room.

Go back to the fork and take a right and follow the only path. Eventually well meet a new enemy the Exploder. These little fellas crawl on the ground and can be GRPed and thrown at other enemies to blow them up. Be careful though, because if they grab you its a one-hit kill. Go down to the well-lit hallway that turns right down some stairs. Again, really only one path to go down; every other path results in a dead end very quickly, and there aren't even any items to pick up down here. A few more Exploders will attack and you should find an arrow on the wall that says "this way." You'll shimmy past some rocks and drop down on a Biophage.

Go up the stairs where two more Exploders pop out. There are 3 paths here: To the left down the other hallway is 2 more Biophages and a crate with supplies in it. Straight ahead has health on a tank, and finally take a right down the hallway where you'll find one more Biophage and a health injector.

You'll be outside again for a second until we get to the garage. Danni is fighting some enemies up stairs, but all you have to do is defeat the enemies that are downstairs. Lots of spike walls down here so just camp those. Danni will tell you to go upstairs (don't forget to loot the dead bodies and there is a health injector on the far left wall). You'll chat with Danni and she'll give you the Riot shotgun, the other weapon we will be using consistently. Go up the stairs to the Gate control room and on the floor just past all the tables is Bios 23/43.

Use the computer against the window which won't actually do much. Take a left through the workshop door where we will find a Reforger. Again, I highly recommend any GRP upgrades, or the stability & damage upgrade for your new riot shotgun. The SKUNK is now our bread and butter, use it to take down mutated Biophages, and the Riot will be our go-to for "bosses."

Take a left down the stairs and through the Motorpool Airlock, going outside, and then through the next airlock. Call the Power Station Lift (a Spitter is waiting for you inside). Crouch under the box, and in this room we need to grab the Gate Fuse. Go to the center of the room past the Gate Control, jump up on the box on the far wall, and jump through the broken window. Take it back to the Gate Control, loot this room, and activate the terminal. Now jump back up on the box, go through the newly opened gate (to the left is a small supply box) and go through the Prisoner Transfer Door on your right.

In this room, go to the opposite side from where you are to find a turbine with a dead body stuck in it. Interact with it to collect Bios 24/43 and initiate a few waves of enemies. (There is also a Pristine Energy Converter on a ladder next to the turbine.) Again, lots of environmental kills here, but be careful since these will kill you too.

When you're done, walk up the stairs and through the power control room door. There is a little bit of loot, a Reforger, (again were only focusing on SKUNK, Riot, and GRP upgrades now) and a computer up against the window we have to active to progress the story. Turn around and go through the Courtyard Access Door. You'll make it to an airlock with a supply chest in it and you'll exit to a snowy field with a bunch of frozen bodies. But as you might have guessed, not all of these popsicles are dead. You can GRP, shoot, or melee the fakers, just handle them one at a time, and when you make it far enough Danni will pull up and give you a ride. Danni will take you back to your crashed ship and when you walk inside you should unlock:

  • Crash Site

    Return to the crashed ship

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (92)

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Also, right as you get on the ship, take your second left into a room (this is the room right next to the very first collectable we got in this game) for Bios 25/43. Head down into cargo area of the ship and through a well-lit door to trigger a cut-scene.

When you regain control of Jacob you will walk through some giant hanger doors and inside on the right, in the back of a truck/Humvee, is Bios 26/43. There is also a Decoder on the left wall.

Just keep following Danni through several rooms (there is a supply chest in the room before the dead robots) until you reach a room with a bunch of dead/dying Security Bots. Walk straight into this room to the back where there is a headless guard's body propped up against a box. On the box is Bios 27/43. There is also a Pristine Energy Converter up the stairs behind this box.

You're then going to take a long elevator ride up and watch a cut-scene. There is a short bit where you're falling and you have to avoid debris until you start passing lamp posts that are sticking out from the side of building. Just mash Guide for The Callisto Protocol (96) and you'll finish the level. At some point during the cut-scene you should unlock:

  • In the Pipe, Five by Five

    Reach the Hangar flight deck

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (97)

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Chapter 6

You'll talk to Danni for a second and she'll lead you through the mines. When you're on a catwalk and you see a small set of stairs that lead to the right (right before the lights flicker), take them. There are some materials and an Energy Converter. Now keep following Danni until you get separated. Keep making your way down the tower and then you'll get really separated. You'll wake up and will be introduced to a new type of enemy: The Blind. These guys are a little tougher (they attack 3 times in a row) and can still mutate, but you can sneak up on them really easily. I recommend trying to stealth kill every Blind enemy you meet. It really slows down the game but it's a one-hit kill and its going to save us a lot of resources. There is also an achievement for stealth killing 5 of them.

Make your way out of this room, and after you drop down into a pretty well-lit room, there is Bios 28/43 on the table in the far corner.

Now leave towards where it says "Don't make a sound" written on the wall. If you take a right, there are a few Blind and quite a bit of resources, and then you'll end up right back where you started. Take a left at the fork and you'll find a room with three Blind stumbling around. Jump up on the crate to the right and vault down to the other side. You'll kill one more blind and then you'll see a small room on the right. There is a schematic for a new gun, but I really wouldn't recommend grabbing any more schematics.

Now head into the darker room and climb down the ladder. There are three Blind in here and finally, a Reforger. Again, I recommend any GRP, SKUNK, or Riot gun upgrades. Now take a left and jump down taking the only path you can. You find a door with a yellow light and a sign that says Tunnel 3A (pristine energy converter on the other side). There are 4 Blind enemies in here, and it's a great place to get any final stealth kills you might need for:

  • Giving Back

    Stab five blind enemies in the back

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (101)

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Leaving this room and turning left you'll see Bios 29/43.

Now take a right and walk up the rubble and make your way through the cave. You'll bump into a few more Biophages and then we'll enter a very large cavern with lots of vehicles scattered around. Again, a great place to get some stealth kills or you can just GRP the 10ish enemies in here into the many spike walls. Make your way to the back right and you'll see an area you can crawl through with "Transport Platform" written above it. There is Reforger and a door that leads to a giant lift that doesn't work. Next to the control panel, though, is a keycard that we need to pick up.

Now double back to the "Access Junction" giant sign that's all lit up, can't miss it. We can use the keycard to unlock this door and around the first corner there is a bright light above a long dark tunnel. Take this tunnel all the way down to find Bios 30/43 and a supply chest. Leave the tunnel and take a right.

Lots more Blind enemies are going to spawn so just keep making your way down and around. Eventually you'll reach a giant well-lit door with "Power Station" written over it. Take a left (you'll see 3 Blind Biophages all huddled up like a bunch of weirdos). Take another left and there is a Pristine Energy Convertor on a barrel next to a spike wall. Turn around and go up the Power Station stairs. In the first room on the left, there is a bunch of loot, a Reforger, and a Leech. Now we're going to focus all of our upgrades into the SKUNK or Riot Shotgun. The Riot is less expensive to fully upgrade, but pick whichever one you like more.

Keep walking through the halls and you'll walk down the stairs towards a red light. You're going to drop down into another room and IMMEDIATLEY turn right and run towards the light and spike wall and shimmy past this section. There are a lot of Biophage that spawn in this room and we're just not going to deal with it. In the next room are 2 Spitters and 3 Crawlers a little bit further in. Take the exit in the back-right corner of the dark room by shimmying again.

You'll see a ladder ahead which will lead us to our second secret room. Take the ladder up and shimmy through the crack in the wall that's right in front of you. This will put you in a cave. It looks complicated, but like everything else in this game, is very simple and there is really only one way to go. A few blind enemies are down here and there isn't room to stealth kill them. Eventually you'll duck under a rock and see a big metal door. Take a right and you'll be able to enter the room through a hole in the wall. There is a Leech in the back of the room so shoot it. There are a ton of materials in here, including Bios 31/43, and if you've been following the guide you'll unlock:

  • The Commonality

    Uncover the mystery of Kallipolis

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (105)

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Leave the way you came and you'll see a staircase to the left of where we crouch to get in. Open the door and in the back-right corner of this room interact with the computer that says Power Breaker Off. Take a left (there is another Reforger in here) and go through the newly unlocked door. Take the catwalk all the way to the other side of the room to the blinking orange terminal. Turn around and you'll see a ladder on the right hand side. Take it down.

There are about 5 blind enemies down here but plenty of spike walls. Activate the second blinking terminal here. Looking to the right, you'll see a few blind enemies shambling towards you through a hallway. Take this hallway and go to the far back-right corner of this room (a few more Biophage spawn), and jump up on to the "Caution" labeled stairs. At the top, on the backside of the catwalk is the final terminal. After flipping it, you will unlock:

  • Power Up

    Restore power to the old facility

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (108)

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Now leave the way we came, but once you see the giant glowing orange cable on the ground, follow that all the way back to the lift we got the keycard at. A few more Blind enemies will spawn, and we need to conserve as much shotgun ammo as possible, so stealth/GRP kill as many as you can. There is also a Reforger right before the lift, so sell/craft anything you might need. When you're ready, step on to the lift and activate it. This will initiate the first of many waves of enemies, prior to a boss fight.

A few waves of enemies will be attacking us, but open some of the supply chests and grab as many GRP batteries as you can hold. The first wave is going to be coming from the back of the lift, where the giant fan is. Simply GRP all the Biophage that fall on to the lift and throw them into the fan. The next wave will appear on the right hand side (on your right while looking at the back of the lift). You can also GRP these Biophage and throw them overboard. The next wave will spawn behind you AKA the left side of the lift, and I think at this point you know how to deal with these enemies. Don't forget to loot a chest for a battery if you need it between waves.

The final wave will spawn towards the front of the lift and you'll see a checkpoint icon in the bottom of the screen, so use this time to grab the rest of the chests on the lift. This introduces the first "boss" of the game Two Head. This is an incredibly simple boss fight so long as you don't get co*cky. A Biophage with two heads is going to chase you. Simply kite him around one of the crates on the lift while holding slightly left/right so that you can dodge his attack. After you dodge, shoot him with your SKUNK or Riot. You get one or sometimes two shots before he attacks again. Once he takes enough damage, he will drop to his knees and then you have to go up and melee him. He'll rip off his dead head and then you have to repeat the sequence. It can take a lot of bullets so be patient and don't be afraid to use everything you have on him. Remember: Kite, dodge, shoot, and when he drops to a knee, melee. After killing him you get a CPU Printer and unlock:

  • Two Heads Are Better Than One

    Take down the two-head

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (112)

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The lift will come to a stop and as you exit. Before you go through the door, there is a very visible dead body on the ground with Bios 32/43. Walking through the door will end the chapter.

Chapter 7

From the start of the chapter, go down the small set of stairs and turn left to find another very easy to spot dead body which has Bios 33/43. You can climb the ladder behind the body to find another supply chest.

Proceed down the main path, mantling up the rock and shimmying into the cave. The game will point out a large light tower to you. When it does, make a left into a cargo container and in the back left-hand corner is Bios 34/43.

Drop down the ladder and follow the only path until you reach the bottom of Lowtown. There are quite a few blind enemies down here and the layout is a little complicated, but essentially Lowtown is a big "O" shape. We start in the bottom left corner of the "O" and our first of objective is at the top of the O; a door control and a busted computer that needs an ID card. I recommend exploring Lowtown for resources but there is nothing too important down here. When you're ready, take a left out of the computer room and climb the ladder that points to Midtown. At the top of the ladder is a Blind Biophage you can stealth kill.

Take a right from where you leave the ladder, and go through the second door on your left. There is a blind enemy in here guarding a Pristine Energy Converter, and Bios 35/43.

Head back towards the ladder but take a left before the General Store sign. Once out of the store, you can see the Security building to the right (to the left is a bathroom with an Energy Converter and Assault Rifle Schematic, but I wouldn't even bother with that) In the Security building up against the wall, in all the goo, is the keycard we need to start the computer down in Lowtown. Sneak back to the ladder (more enemies are spawning) and down to the computer room (the dead guy on the floor isn't dead this time) and put in your keycard. Run out of this room, take a tight left into the room that just opened up and start the lift. When you leave the lift, right outside of it on the ground in front of you is a dead body with Bios 36/43.

Keep following the signs to Hightown (a few miner Biophages pop up), and at the top of the stairs take a right into the cargo container home. There is a dead body with Bios 37/43.

Leave the house and follow the sign left the Bathroom. The first house on the left has the Gate Fuse we are looking for (the second house on the left has a supply box in it). When you grab the Gate Fuse and start to leave a few Biophages will rush you. Go back to the Bathroom sign and this time follow the arrow to the Roof Top. Keep going up until you find the locked door that will take our Gate Fuse. In here are a lot of material, a Reforger, and on a dead body on the floor, Bios 38/43. I had a ton of stuff to sell and had more than enough to get the final upgrade for my riot shotgun, which unlocked:

  • You Need a Gun

    Fully Upgrade One Weapon

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (116)

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If you don't get this here, don't worry we still have time left. When you're done in here, take the ladder up and find Danni shortly thereafter. You two will exchange some pleasantries and then we have to fight another Two Head. The only thing different about this fight is some miner Biophages will spawn in the middle of the fight. They're very easy to kill so shoot them a few times and then focus on the Two Head.

When he's dead he'll drop a CPU Printer and highly recommend you search the nearby buildings. Again, nothing that's worth an achievement but just some useful odds and ends.

When you're ready, find Danni and she'll tell you about memory transfer (which might be a larger story telling cop-out than time travel. Like seriously, why do they give the galaxy's most dangerous prisoners the ability to transfer their entire consciousness?) Follow Danni and you will get separated (again... for some reason.) The room in front of you has a Reforger and the door will lead you back to Lowtown. Just make your way back to the ladder that goes up to Midtown (lots of enemies spawn).

Once up the ladder, turn right and go all the way down and you'll see a door on your left in the last room. If you go down both sets of stairs here and take a left and go all the way to the back, you can find a Pristine Energy Converter to sell at the Reforger. Otherwise, follow Danni to the big locked door and through it is the bulk of the story for this game. Just walk through the Lab until we meet the Alpha, also unlocking the following achievement as soon as we open the door to the cut-scene:

  • What Lies Beneath

    Find the source

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (121)

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The Alpha is a pretty lackluster "boss" fight where all you have to do is survive. Just dodge and melee him (don't even bother shooting) he can attack up to 5 times in one combo. The fight will end with you and Danni escaping and taking a lift up. After you get control of Jacob, right as you step off the lift, to the right on some boxes is Bios 39/43.

Go through the door next to the Reforger and down some hallways (CPU Printer to the left of the last door) and some very angry robots will put you back in time out. but at least you will unlock:

  • Full Circle

    Get thrown back into original cell

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (125)

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Chapter 8

You wake up back in your original cell, but don't worry we get busted out. Almost makes you wonder why they bothered locking us back up. When the cell unlocks, leave and take a right. The Security door down here will open, and in this room is a supply chest, but it's a trap. Next to the chest is the Data Center door, go through here to find a Reforger and a busted Gate Fuse door.

Go into the room past the Reforger and into the server room where we have to fight another Two Head. No other enemies spawn this time but the room is very small, so if you're not careful you can very easily get stuck against a wall and then you're just sort of dead. When defeated, grab the CPU Printer from the Two Head and the Gate Fuse he was guarding, and head back towards the Reforger. Plug in the Fuse and go through the Panopticon Surveillance door. On your right is another CPU Printer, and if you take a left and all the way at the end of the hall on the right on a desk is Bios 40/43.

Two Biophages will attack you, but then I highly recommend back tracking and selling your CPU Printers. (We're nearing the end of the game so this will be one of the last chances for upgrades.) Go back to where we picked up the Bios, and open the door to the Psyc Ward door. I always found this part kind of difficult. Lots of enemies are going to jump out at almost every door in this hallway.

First, GRP the Biophage in the bed, he's just pretending to be asleep. Next, a police zombie will run from down the hall. About halfway down, a Biophage will jump out of the vents, and crawlers that explode are close behind him. Then a Spitter will come out of the last room on the left, and 2 more Biophage attack from the vent at the end. When that's all taken care of, you can head down the stairs to the left. About halfway down this hallway 2 Biophages jump you.

Head left into the morgue (pristine energy Converter just a little further down, grab before you go in), and GRP the bad guys into the spike walls in here. Find the Biohazard Storage door on the right and drop down the ladder. Take a left and kill the 2 Biophages that attack you, then look up and to the right. You'll see a vent cover you can GRP off. Crawl through that and on the other side is a rusher that's invisible. Take a right after coming out of the vent, and the staircase on your left will lead you to Bios 41/43.

Head back the way we came, grabbing the Gate Fuse in the room across from the bottom of the stairs (you can open the door instead of crawling through the vent again), and at the end of the hallway is a Gate Fuse door we have to open. There is another Reforger in here and I would recommend you buy some ammo cause I'm sure you're low and we have another mini-boss to fight.

When you're ready, head up the ramp and go through the door (the supply box is another trap). Go down the stairs into the operating area and a Spitter will attack you. Keep going past the spinning fan and then another Two Head will attack you. Careful cause he brought friends.

If you're really quick you can GRP the red canister at him (yes, this is glitched and it won't really come to you, just wait for him to get close enough to it before "throwing" it) and then GRP one of the exploding crawlers at him. Then, run back to the operating table to kite him around this room. When he's dead, go back to where you first saw him and take a left through the Research Checkpoint door. There is another supply chest in but it too is a trap.

Keep going towards the big scary doors with all the dead bodies in front of it. These doors will unlock and right as you pass through them, on the right, is Bios 42/43. Odds are you will unlock the achievement for finding the all the bios here. If not, there is still one more to find. I genuinely believe this achievement was coded incorrectly and will unlock for finding 42 of the 43 collectables.

  • Grim Reaper

    Harvest and read all implant bios

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Keep walking through the lab until you reach the good doctor. After the cut-scene you'll have Danni back on your team. Then, we're off to fight the final boss. Navigate the hallways until you take a lift up to a very nice shiny white room with lots of display cases. On the far left-hand side on a table is Bios 43/43.

Leave through the far door and you'll have to sit through another cut-scene. When you regain control, you'll walk up a short ramp to the final Reforger in the game. This is your last chance to buy the final upgrade for any gun, but you should really be buying ammo for the final fight. There are a lot of those little blue supply boxes around the outside of the next room. Don't take the door to the inner room, all of these boxes have ammo and health so its very valuable for the last fight. When you're ready, take the door and get ready to fight the Alpha.

The Alpha

Okay, so let me start off by saying this: This boss fight was a lot harder before an early patch. You're going to be looking at the Alpha, and a big round table. This first fight is just like the one before, just dodge his attacks and melee him when he's done with his combo. Then he'll transform.

First thing to note is he always starts with a Spitter attack that you can block by holding Guide for The Callisto Protocol (134). Next you want to kite him around the circular table, dodging his attacks and shooting his face shield. When his face shield drops, he'll shoot another Spitter attack at you, but just keep shooting his exposed head. Eventually he will scream, which will summon those crawling exploding enemies (they will one-shot you).

The best strategy is to GRP them into the Alpha, but if you need to just shoot them that works too. These crawlers come in from either side of the room down the dark corridors that you can't really see down. And that's it.

He will do this a total of three times, so after dealing with three waves of crawlers and then dealing enough damage to his face, a cut-scene will start and all we will have to do is run to the final room. Just run (or walk, trust me there is no time limit) and you will send Danni on her way. Once everything plays out and the credits start to roll, you will unlock:

  • I Do Belong Here

    Beat the game on any difficulty

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (135)

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  • The Protocol is About Life

    Beat the game on Maximum Security difficulty

    Guide for The Callisto Protocol (141)

    4 guidesGuide for The Callisto Protocol (142)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (143)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (144)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (145)Guide for The Callisto Protocol (146)

Hey, good job. I hope this walkthrough was useful. Now if you haven't had enough, time to replay this game MANY more times on different modes to begin our DLC and title update achievements.... let's dig into this on the next section.

4. Hardcore Mode2. General hints and tips

Find anything you think is wrong with this walkthrough? Help us fix it by posting in its Walkthrough Thread.

This walkthrough is the property of This walkthrough and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission. and its users have no affiliation with any of this game's creators or copyright holders and any trademarks used herein belong to their respective owners.

Guide for The Callisto Protocol (2024)


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Author: Roderick King

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Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.