310 Quotes And Instagram Captions About San Francisco (2024)

Find the best quotes and Instagram captions about San Francisco with funny options, puns, and social media inspiration. Whether you’re visiting the famous city by the bay soon or just want to feel like you’re back on a road trip through California, this post will help.

Crafting the perfect Instagram caption can be a bit tricky, and you might want to think outside the box to make your post about San Francisco extra special.

With over 300 quotes and caption ideas to choose from, you’re guaranteed to like one on this list.

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Best quotes about San Francisco

No one says it better than a San Francisco local (or at least someone who tries to be one). Find the best quotes about San Francisco below, with plenty of Instagram-worthy options.

1. “It is a good thing the early settlers landed on the east coast… if they’d landed in San Francisco, the rest of the country would still be uninhabited.” Herbert Mye

2. “San Francisco is a mad city – inhabited for the most part by perfectly insane people.” Rudyard Kipling

3. “San Francisco has only one drawback – ’tis hard to leave.” Rudyard Kipling

4. “San Francisco itself is art… every block is a short story, every hill a novel, every home a poem.” William Saroyan

5. “But oh, San Francisco! It is and has everything – you wouldn’t think that such a place as San Francisco could exist.” Dylan Thomas

6. “Leaving San Francisco is like saying goodbye to an old sweetheart. You want to linger as long as possible.” Walter Cronkite

7. “San Francisco is 49 square miles surrounded by reality.” Paul Kantner

8. “There may not be a heaven, but there is a San Francisco.” Ashleigh Brilliant

9. “It is an odd thing, but everyone who disappears is said to be seen in San Francisco.” Oscar Wilde

10. “If you’re alive, you can’t be bored in San Francisco. If you’re not alive, San Francisco will bring you to life.” William Saroyan

11. “San Francisco is the only city I can think of that can survive all the things you people are doing to it and still look beautiful.” Frank Lloyd Wright

12. “I left my heart in San Francisco.” Tony Bennet

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13. “San Francisco is poetry. Even the hills rhyme.” Pat Montandon

14. “I am a Bay Area guy, no question.” Huey Lewis

15. “San Francisco is perhaps the most European of all American cities.” Cecil Beaton

16. “Money lives in New York. Power sits in Washington. Freedom sips cappuccino in a sidewalk café in San Francisco.” Joe Flower

17. “Oh how I’ve mist you,Golden Gate Bridge” — Unknown

18. “I’m just mad for San Francisco. It is like London and Paris stacked on top of each other.” Twiggy

19. “Every man should be allowed to love two cities, his own and San Francisco.” Gene Fowler

20. “Chicago is the great American city, New York is one of the capitals of the world, and Los Angeles is a constellation of plastic; San Francisco is a lady.” Norman Mailer

21. “East is East, and West is San Francisco.” —O. Henry

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22. “I never dreamed I’d like any city as well as London. San Francisco is exciting, moody, exhilarating. I even love the muted fogs.” Julie Christie

23. “One day, if I go to heaven… I’ll look around and say, ‘It ain’t bad, but it ain’t San Francisco.’” Herb Caen

24. “Anyone who doesn’t have a great time in San Francisco is pretty much dead to me.” Anthony Bourdain

25. “San Francisco is gone. Nothing remains of it but memories.” — Jack London

Best San Francisco captions and quotes for Instagram

Make your Instagram captions stand out with these quotes and phrases about San Francisco.

26. Happiness is…. holding tickets that say San Francisco!

27. I can finally tick San Francisco off my bucket list

28. Follow your heart, even if it takes you all the way to San Francisco

29. I fell in love. His name is San Fran

30. Visiting the Bay with my bae

31. Chillin’ in the San Francisco hills

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32. Somewhere between living and dreaming, there’s San Francisco

33. You can leave San Francisco, but it will never leave you

34. Dear San Francisco, I will never get over you

35. San Francisco might just be my new favourite, sorry NYC!

36. There’s no time to be bored in a city as beautiful as San Francisco

37. Greetings from San Francisco. I live here now

38. What I like best about San Francisco is everything

39. Already counting the days until I’m finally back in SF

40. Falling in love with San Francisco, one cable car at a time

41. San Francisco: The Golden Gate City

42. I left my heart in San Francisco…

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43. Nothing comes close to the Golden Coast

44. In a Golden State of mind

45. Cable cars, seals, and a big bridge – what more could a girl ask for?

46. Sunny Franny

47. West Coast, Best Coast

48. Let me introduce you to the Painted Ladies

49. This trip is Golden, baby!

50. Everyone needs a little San Francisco in their life

51. Already booking my next trip to San Francisco

52. Needed a little San Francisco.

53. How is San Francisco already feeling like home?

54. Still in San Francisco, never leaving.

55. San Francisco has become my whole personality.

56. San Francisco is better than anywhere else in the world, fight me.

57. In my San Francisco outfit.

58. Happiness check in San Francisco.

59. Professional San Francisco explorer.

60. Not mad at you San Francisco.

Short San Francisco Instagram captions

Keep it short and sweet with our favorite short San Francisco Instagram captions and even some funny options. You might also like these one-word travel captions.

61. San Francisco: Everybody’s Favourite City

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62. San Francisco, I’ve really missed you

63. Paradise found by the Bay

64. Just take a ride (on a cable car)

65. In a relationship with San Francisco

66. Is this trip golden or what?

67. Stay golden, San Francisco

68. Once upon a time in San Francisco

69. You cannot stop San Francisco

70. Chillin’ on the best coast

71. Cruising through Cali

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72. And the sun shines on the bay

73. SF 4 Life

74. Catch me in a cable car

75. In that San Fran state of mind

76. Took bae to San Fran for the day

77. In my San Francisco era

78. And the sun shines on the bay

79. San Francisco is my happy place

80. Found myself in San Francisco

81. City lights and starry nights

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82. From Alcatraz to Alamo Square

83. When in doubt, SF it out

84. Cable cars and city stars

85. Bridging the gap at the Golden Gate

86. Brb, gone to San Fran

87. It’s San Francisco, baby.

88. San Francisco is all you need.

89. San Francisco photodump.

90. San Francisco diaries.

91. Annual San Francisco trip.

92. Obligatory San Francisco photodump.

93. Love u San Francisco.

94. San Francisco couldn’t have been better.

95. San Francisco was 10/10.

Short San Francisco quotes for Instagram

If long Instagram captions are overwhelming, you might enjoy these short San Francisco quotes.

96. “SF – where the sun paints the town gold.” — Unknown

97. “SF – a blend of fog, gold, and plenty of fun.” — Unknown

98. “San Francisco – where every corner turns into home.” — Unknown

99. “You’ve never seen streets like the ones in San Francisco.” — Unknown

90. “In SF – every street, a new heartbeat.” — Unknown

91. “A slice of cloud-heaven.” — Unknown

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92. “In San Francisco, love is just around the bay.” — Unknown

93. “San Francisco – the city of golden dreams.” — Unknown

94. “No one does sunsets better than San Francisco” — Unknown

95. “San Francisco – where the Pacific meets the sky.” — Unknown

96. “Everyone has a favorite hill in San Francisco” — Unknown

97. “Every time I go to San Francisco, I fall in love a little more” — Unknown

98. “I’ve never met anyone who hates SF” — Unknown

99. “San Francisco is just effortlessly pretty” — Unknown

100. “San Francisco – the city of a thousand views.” — Unknown

101. “It’s a city of shifting light and changing skies.” — Unknown

102. “San Francisco never disappoints” — Unknown

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103. “It’s impossible not to be impressed when you see the Golden Gate Bridge” — Unknown

104. “No one does drag better than San Francisco” — Unknown

105. “If you have to be a one-hit wonder, then ‘San Francisco’ is the one to have” — Scott McKenzie

106. “I love San Francisco. I have a lot of memories there.” — Rosalynn Carter

107. “San Francisco, city of dreaming spires.”— Eddie Izzard

108. “Bay Area beauty, I left my heart here.” — Unknown

109. “Chasing sunsets in the city that knows how to love” — Unknown

110. “This city is a point upon a map of fog.” — Ambrose Bierce

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Quotes and Instagram captions about the Golden Gate Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge is the subject of plenty of famous quotes, so why not include it in your Instagram captions about San Francisco?

111. “We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” Sir Isaac Newton

112. “The view of the Golden Gate Bridge… is more captivating than, I’m sorry, the Statue of Liberty.” Janet Napolitano

113. “The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the most beautiful monuments to all the dreams of the 20th century.” Vincent Scully

114. “To this gate I give my hand, to this bridge I give my name.” — Joseph Strauss

115. “I just wanted you to know that this bridge was built by the people of the world, for the people of the world.” — Irving Morrow

116. “Los Angeles? That’s just a big parking lot where you buy a hamburger for the trip to San Francisco.” John Lennon

117. “San Francisco put on a show for me. I saw her across the bay, from the great road that bypasses Sausalito and enters the Golden Gate Bridge. The afternoon sun painted her white and gold – rising on her hills like a noble city in a happy dream.” John Steinbeck

118. “This bridge needs neither praise, eulogy nor encomium. It speaks for itself. We who have labored long are grateful. What nature rent asunder long ago, man has joined today.” Joseph Strauss

119. “The Golden Gate Bridge’s daily greeting: a blink of the light.” Pico Iyer

120. “I am in love with the ocean and the sky, and the bridge that connects them.” Katya Zamolodchikova

121. “Up in the San Francisco, where the forest meets the bridge.” Foxygen

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122. I’m a San Fan-cisco of the Golden Gate Bridge

123. Stay golden

124. Meet me by the Golden Gate

125. Feeling like a tourist at Golden Gate Bridge!

126. Paradise by the bay

127. San Francisco has me in its grip

128. Living with a golden state of mind

129. It’s just a bridge, get over it

130. This is what dreams are made of

131. Not complaining about this view

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132. First light on the Golden Gate, lighting up my soul

133. Golden hues for the Golden Gate

134. Love is the bridge between two hearts

135. San Francisco, you make my heart go wild

San Francisco and California sayings

You’ll love these famous sayings about San Francisco, and if you need even more Instagram caption inspiration, check out these quotes about California.

136. “I am in love with San Francisco. Sometimes I think it was created just for the evening.” — Lawrence Ferlinghetti

137. “In San Francisco, everyone is welcome, but the streets are only wide enough for one.” — Unknown

138. “That, my dear detective, was the other San Francisco. You’ve probably seen it before, just out of the corner of your eye. You’ve probably dismissed it all your life.”—Laura Oliva

139. San Francisco: the city that knows how

140. “I prefer a wet San Francisco to a dry Manhattan.” — Larry Geraldi

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141. “San Franciscans are very proud of their city, and they should be. It’s the most beautiful place in the world.” — Robert Redford

142. “We are so lucky to live here,’ he would say, and she couldn’t disagree. They were lucky that the earth had conspired to heap up such startling beauty in one place, and they were lucky that it hadn’t all fallen apart yet in a geological catastrophe.” —Chris Adrien

143. Fog city

144. “If free speech and individuality are American characteristics, there is no place more American than San Francisco.” — Desi Del Valle

145. San Francisco: where the hills are alive with the sound of music

146. “It’s simply a very romantic place. Just one look at any of those streets, and you couldn’t be anywhere else — it’s so beautiful, and there’s that location and the sense of the free spirit. Who couldn’t become ravenous in such a place? — Julia Child

147. “The morning, like all San Francisco mornings, promised spring. In California, the seasons come daily: spring, the dewy mornings covered lightly in gray mist; summer, when the sun burns through and rises directly overhead at midday; afternoon autumns, crisp breezy, when colors show off and the air smells clean into twilight; winter is the night.” —Elizabeth Stark

148. My kind of city

149. San Francisco nights feel different

150. If you’re there long enough, you won’t even notice the fog.

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151. “I was appalled that the San Francisco ethic [of the 1960s] didn’t mushroom and envelop the whole world into this loving community of acid freaks. I was very naive.” Grace Slick

San Francisco puns

Come up with the ultimate funny Instagram caption with these puns and humorous quotes.

152. Stair-ing at the beauty of San Francisco

153. This city is so Alcatra-ctive

154. San Francisco, you have stolen a ‘pizza’ my heart!

155. Leaving San Francisco feels like a ca-Castro-trophe

156. Getting my daily dose of vitamin sea at the Bay

157. Taking a bite out of life, and sourdough, in San Francisco

158. San Francisco: The city that never steeps (especially its tea!)

159. No bridge too far in San Francisco

160. In San Francisco, every day is a tram-azing adventure

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161. In a serious relation-chip with San Francisco’s sourdough

162. San Fran-cis-cool, isn’t it?

163. This city is San Fran-tastic!

164. Having a Golden Gate time in San Francisco!

165. Feeling like a cable car, because I’m on a roll in San Francisco!

166. Un fog-ettable moments in San Francisco

167. I’m totally being ‘pier’ pressured into loving San Francisco!

168. Sealing the deal with San Francisco’s sea lions

169. Nothing can gold a candle to this bridge

170. Nothing is sweeter than a Ghirardelli chocolate in San Francisco

171. San Francisco, you’re un-fog-ettable!

172. I’m a San Fancisco

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173. I’m going to Haight it when I have to leave San Francisco

174. Good-bay, San Francisco!

175. Visited San Francisco for gold times sake

176. Happy as a clam at Fisherman’s Wharf

177. Hey bay bay17167. Hey bay bay

178. There so SoMany reasons to love this city

179. I’ve red that the Golden Gate Bridge is nearly two miles long!

180. I tried to catch some fog. I mist

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181. I’m cable car-zy about San Francisco!

Funny San Francisco quotes for Instagram

Keep your Instagram captions lighthearted with our favorite funny San Francisco quotes. You’ll also love these hilarious jokes about Americans to keep you entertained.

182. “You can go one block to the next in San Francisco and get a completely different opinion of what the issue is.” Don Johnson

183. “San Francisco, you’ve got me on cloud wine.” — Unknown

184. “All this fog, and people still can’t see how much I love San Francisco.” — Unknown

185. “Survived the San Francisco wind. It was a breeze.” — Unknown

186. “Got a love-hate relationship with the SF hills.” — Unknown

187. “Wandering around San Francisco – can someone roll me up the hill?” — Unknown

188. “Getting steeped in San Francisco, like my morning coffee.” — Unknown

189. “Even the seagulls are foodies in San Francisco.” — Unknown

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190. “On day one, you’ll love the hills, but by day three, you’ll want to spend the rest of your life in a flat place” — Unknown

191. “Foggy mornings and cable car warnings – just another day in San Francisco.” — Unknown

192. “Why ride a cable car when you can walk uphill in San Francisco for a real workout?” — Unknown

193. “How do you find a hipster in San Francisco? You don’t, they’ll find you.” — Unknown

194. “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.” Mark Twain

195. “Isn’t it nice that people who prefer Los Angeles to San Francisco live there?” Herb Caen

196. “In San Francisco, everything looks like a postcard.” — A. J. Jacobs

197. “I don’t think San Francisco needs defending. I never meet anyone who doesn’t love the place, Americans or others.” Doris Lessing

198. “America only has three cities: New York, San Francisco, and New Orleans. Everything else is Cleveland.” Tennessee Williams

199. “You know what it is? San Francisco is a golden handcuff with the key thrown away.” John Steinbeck

200. “Lost my heart in San Francisco, but found a burrito.” — Unknown

201. “Been there, done that, got the sourdough.” — Unknown

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202. “Did the Full House tour. Everywhere you look indeed.” — Unknown

203. “Who needs the gym when you have SF hills?” — Unknown

204. “Falling for SF like Lombard Street – steep and twisty.” — Unknown

205. “In San Francisco, we don’t measure distance in miles; we measure it in how many hills you have to climb to get there! — Unknown

206. “Everyone who doesn’t like San Francisco hasn’t been there yet” — Unknown

Famous San Francisco quotes

Here’s what famous people have to say about San Francisco.

207. “As soon as I understood what was going on in San Francisco, which was in 1965 and ’66, I immediately left Chicago, where I was working in a nightclub that was being shaken down by the mafia and the police for payments. I mean, it was a real thug world” — Steve Miller

208. “A city is not gauged by its length and width, but by the broadness of its vision and the height of its dreams.” Herb Caen

209. “Should hostilities once break out between Japan and the United States, it is not enough that we take Guam and the Philippines, nor even Hawaii and San Francisco. We would have to march into Washington and sign the treaty in the White House.” — Isoroku Yamamoto

210. “In our works at Bethlehem and San Francisco, and all over the United States, I adopted this system: I pay the managers practically no salary. I make them partners in the business, only I don’t let them share in the efforts of any other man.” — Charles M. Schwab

211. “This other time, Attikol had the streets of San Francisco rearranged just so this lady’s favorite showThe Streets of San Franciscowould be more accurate.” — Rob Reger

212. “It’s the grandest city I saw in America. If everyone acted as the San Franciscans did, there would be hope for settlement of the world’s difficulties.” – Frol Zozlov

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213. “The bridge seemed to suggest to us that despite the tears and pain we experience in life, despite the suffering and disappointment, there is a route to hope.” Kevin Starr

214. “A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.” John Steinbeck

215. “I love it in San Francisco. It is a special city.” Marian Wright Edelman

216. “San Francisco is a world to explore. It is a place where the heart can go on a delightful adventure.” William Safire

217. “San Francisco in shades of blue, a city in a dream, and I was filled with a tremendous yearning to live.” Rebecca Solnit

218. “Every morning in San Francisco was a bit like waking up on the edge of the earth.” Elizabeth Percer

219. “I don’t think San Francisco needs defending. I never meet anyone who doesn’t love the city.” Herb Caen

220. “What a view! It’s no wonder that all the big fast gunnin’ killers come out here to San Francisco.” Dashiell Hammett

221. “Here is a magic city, with many people in it, with many sorrows, but where there is room for everyone to dance in the streets.” Anouk Aimee

222. “San Francisco is the cool, grey city of love.” George Sterling

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223. “I wish I was from San Francisco. That’s the one place I go where I’m saying, ‘Oh, that’s beautiful.'” Lenny Kravitz

224. “San Francisco is a world to look over before it is a world to leave.” Elia Kazan

225. “To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to divide it with.” Mark Twain

226. “I have always been rather better treated in San Francisco than I actually deserved.” Mark Twain

227. “San Francisco is a city where people are never more abroad than when they are at home.” Benjamin F. Taylor

228. “San Francisco is an extraordinary city. Situated on the tip of a narrow peninsula, it has a European feel and, with the Pacific and Alcatraz on the west, a maritime sensibility.” — Gavin Newsom

229. “When I’m in San Francisco, I always visit the Golden Gate Bridge. It’s very beautiful.” Tony Bennett

230. “I don’t like the sugarcoating of life – it’s misleading.” Christopher Hitchens

231. “I love San Francisco!” Fred Willard

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Powerful quotes about San Francisco

Make your Instagram captions extra special with these powerful quotes about San Francisco.

232. “I had gone from a small town in the eastern corner of India to San Francisco, and I was very lucky to get that.” Ritesh Agarwal

233. “It was totally insane doing goat yoga in San Francisco.” — Gino D’Acampo

234. “San Francisco is one of the worst-dressed cities in the world, bar none.” — Kevin Plank

235. “This is one Hart that you will not leave in San Francisco.” — Gary Hart

236. “To be in San Francisco is to experience a little bit of heaven.” Walter Cronkite

237. “I didn’t really start writing music or lyrics or turning them into songs until I went to San Francisco.” — Jello Biafra

238. “That city will always have my heart. It’s where I’m from. It’s where I’ll always be.” Kamala Harris

239. “San Francisco is a city that lets you be yourself and be accepted for it.” Carmen McRae

240. “You wouldn’t think such a place as San Francisco could exist. The wonderful sunlight there, the hills, the great bridges, the Pacific at your shoes.” Dylan Thomas

241. “San Francisco businesses face many challenges, including high rents, regulatory burdens, and the rising cost of workers compensation insurance and employee health plans.” — Gavin Newsom

242. “A bridge has no allegiance to either side.” Les Carlyle

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243. “I don’t know of any other city where you can walk through so many culturally diverse neighborhoods, and you’re never out of sight of the wild hills.” Bill Bryson

244. “Back in the 60s, San Francisco artists lived in communes.” — Gedde Watanabe

245. “San Francisco is a city where people are willing to help you, and it’s a beautiful place.” Larry Page

246. “San Francisco is an opera. Every day on the streets I see passions erupting, people fighting for their space in the world.” Patricia Aakhus

247. “The best tattooists are in San Francisco, and they’re kind of like my family now. I’m always excited to come back to San Francisco.” — Margaret Cho

248. “That’s one of the things I like about San Francisco. It’s not like anywhere else in the world.” — Tracy Chapman

249. “I love the Bay Area. I have a house in the East Bay that I visit as often as I can. The Bay Area is where it all started for me.” Tom Hanks

250. “San Francisco is a city with a deep love for art and culture, and it shows in the vibrant communities that call it home.” Renee Montagne

Bay Area quotes

The Bay Area is one of the most iconic parts of California, and these quotes perfectly capture the magic.

251. “The Bay area is special, no one can deny it.” – Unknown

252. “The coldest winter I ever spent was summer in San Francisco.” — Unknown

253. “Life by the Bay is the best” — Unknown

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254. “Now there’s a grown-up swinging town.” — Frank Sinatra

255. “The Bay Area is so beautiful, I hesitate to preach about heaven while I’m here.” — Billy Graham

256. “A “Bay Area Bisexual” told me I didn’t quite coincide with either of her desires.” — Woody Allen

257. “The thing about coming back to the Bay Area, it’s like coming home for me.” — Richard Serra

258. “All of my work is based on nature. I grew up in a rural environment, and living in the Bay Area allows for immediate access to wonderful natural environs. Basically, nature is my Genus Loci or the place where my spirit resides.” — Judith Anderson

259. “It seemed like a matter of minutes when we began rolling in the foothills before Oakland and suddenly reached a height and saw stretched out ahead of us the fabulous white city of San Francisco on her eleven mystic hills with the blue Pacific and its advancing wall of potato-patch fog beyond, and smoke and goldenness in the late afternoon of time.” — Jack Kerouac

260. “I don’t know of any other city where you can walk through so many culturally diverse neighborhoods, and you’re never out of sight of the wild hills. Nature is very close here.” Gary Snyder

261. “The city had been kind to me in the days of my poverty and it did not resent my temporary solvency.” — John Steinbeck

262. “There is more grace per square foot in San Francisco than any place on earth.” — Fulton J. Sheen

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263. “God took the beauty of the Bay of Naples, the Valley of the Nile, the Swiss Alps, the Hudson River Valley, rolled them into one, and made San Francisco Bay.” — Fiorello H. La Guardia

264. “I always see about six scuffles a night when I come to San Francisco. That’s one of the town’s charms.” — Errol Flynn

265. “Perpetual spring, the flare of adventure in the blood, the impulse of men who packed Virgil with their beanbags on the overland journey, conspired~ to make San Francisco a city of artists.” — William Henry Irwin

266. “Fancy a novel about Chicago or Buffalo, let us say, or Nashville, Tennessee! There are just three big cities in the United States that are ‘story cities’- New York, of course, New Orleans, and, best of the lot, San Francisco.” — Frank Norris

267. “Your city is remarkable not only for its beauty. It is also, of all the cities in the United States, the one whose name, the world over, conjures up the most visions and more than any other, incites one to dream.” — Georges Pompidou

268. “You are fortunate to live here. If I were your President, I would levy a tax on you for living in San Francisco!” — Mikhail Gorbachev

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269. “What’s exciting about the Bay Area, is that people are not waiting for permission from the industry to make movies – unlike Los Angeles or New York, where you can get stuck into that desire of raising a big budget or working with the studios.” — Matthew Jacobs

270. “By the time Buffy finished its Bay Area theatrical run – including a two-month stint at the dollar theater – I had seen the movie well over three dozen times. I was in love.” — Mira Grant

271. “I have been interested in the dialogue of abstraction and modernist painting – and the rich history of the grid. I also think I have been influenced a bit by some of the particular qualities of the Bay Area. The weather and the atmosphere here is so exotic, like the fog rolling in and the nuanced differences in the quality of light.” — Stephen Beal

272. “It had not yet been named Silicon Valley, but you had the defense industry, you had Hewlett-Packard. But you also had the counter-culture, the Bay Area. That entire brew came together in Steve Jobs.” — Erik Qualman

273. “The initial spark that promoted me to start Not For Sale was human trafficking in the San Francisco Bay Area. This led me to take a journey around the world on how this could exist in the 21st century.” — David Batstone

274. “Culturally, we are definitely seeing people being to ask hard questions. There’s been a major shift over the last year. The NSA revelations played a big part but there are all sorts of other issues too, like inequality and gentrification in the Bay Area, and labor abuses everywhere from Amazon’s warehouse to Apple’s factories, to start-ups like Uber and TaskRabbit.” — Astra Taylor

275. “I learned the game on the radio. Russ Hodges and Lon Simmons were the Giants broadcasters when I was growing up in the Bay area, and they taught me about the game. They taught me about the subtleties of the game, but they also gave me the game and let me enjoy it. That’s the main thing, whether it’s TV or radio. You have to give the fans the game, and if it’s a Giants broadcast, the vast majority are Giants fans. In terms of storylines, most would be about the Giants.” — Jon Miller

San Francisco city quotes

San Francisco is perfectly described in these quotes and Instagram captions.

276. “San Francisco’s city streets are unlike any other” Unknown

277. “San Francisco is where you come when you want to see people looking like who they truly are.” Mark Childress

278. “Cities are like gentlemen, they are born, not made. I bet San Francisco was a city from the very beginning.” Will Rogers

279. “The geniality of San Francisco’s economic, intellectual, and political climate makes it the most varied and challenging city in the United States.” James Michener

280. “San Francisco always has had a warm welcome for human beings from all over the world.” Duke Ellington

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281. “A kind of golden hour one remembers for a lifetime… Everything was touched with magic.” Margaret Bourke-White

282. “San Francisco is a complex town that lets you be yourself, that accepts you even if your family doesn’t. No matter how uncomfortable your own skin feels, you can move to this city, discover who you really are, and plant your feet on the ground.” Jack Boulware

283. “San Francisco is one of my favorite cities in the world…I would probably rank it at the top or near the top. It’s small but photogenic and has layers…You never have problems finding great angles that people have never done.” Ang Lee

284. “In all my travels, I have never seen the hospitality of San Francisco equaled anywhere in the world.” Conrad Hilton

285. “I’ve always had a soft spot for San Francisco” Unknown

286. “A city is where you can sign a petition, boo the chief justice, fish off a pier, gape at a hippopotamus, buy a flower at the corner, or get a good hamburger or a bad girl at 4 AM. A city is where sirens make white streaks of sound in the sky and foghorns speak dark grays San Francisco is such a city.” Herb Caen

287. “The good thing about being in San Francisco is it’s a city that seems to have the flexibility and undefined boundaries.” Janet Varney

288. “I’m so happy to be back in San Francisco after such a long time. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!” Unknown

289. “San Francisco is a city where people are prepared to believe just about anything.” — Lincoln Steffens

290. “There is no logic to San Francisco generally, a city built with putty and pipe cleaners, rubber cement, and colored construction paper. Its the work of fairies, elves, happy children with new crayons.” Dave Eggers

291. “‘What brings you up to the City?’ he said when we were inside. To San Franciscans, there’s only one city.” Ross Macdonald

292. “I think San Francisco is the best place in the whole world for an easy life.” Imogen Cunningham

310 Quotes And Instagram Captions About San Francisco (29)

293. “The things that will destroy America are prosperity at any price, peace at any price, safety first instead of duty first, the love of soft living and the get-rich-quick theory of life.” Theodore Roosevelt

294. “If you love LA, you clearly haven’t been to San Francisco” Unknown

295. “San Francisco is one of the great cultural plateaus of the world – one of the really urbane communities in the United States.” — Duke Ellington

296. “I moved to San Francisco because the masquerade of kindly gestures is, at least, kind. And it remains kind. And all the people who would sit back and comment on the garishness of the costumes, the hollowness of the dialogue, the lack of divine conviction, well, all those people are either gone or fifteen years old.” Jay Caspian King

297. “San Francisco is really fun and liberal, and it’s my kind of politics. It’s like being Jewish in front of Jewish people.” Elayne Boosler

298. “When I’m in San Francisco, I always feel like a motherless child.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

San Francisco love quotes

Fall in love with San Francisco all over again with these romantic quotes and Instagram captions.

299. “San Francisco is my kind of town! I love this place. It’s the perfect city for a guy like me.” Unknown

300. “San Francisco, where love blooms even in the foggiest of times.” — Unknown

301. “Our love, like the city of San Francisco, is a timeless classic.” — Unknown

302. “Falling in love with San Francisco is easy” Unknown

310 Quotes And Instagram Captions About San Francisco (30)

303. “I love San Francisco so much. I call it the Emerald City and have been coming here since 1992. I have a few old friends that live here, and my aunt and uncle live in Oakland. I think it’s a magical city, sexy and very ‘cosmo’ with a small-town feel.” Andy Cohen

304. “I love San Francisco. It’s by the sea, there’s a feeling of people being there because they enjoy their life there.” Brian Eno

305. “San Francisco is my favorite place on earth. I love the hills, the views, and the open space.” Unknown

306. “San Francisco, where our love story began.” — Unknown

307. “I love San Francisco for the music culture. There’s this vibe there that I can’t find anywhere else in the world. Easily one of the best places on the sea coast.” Tash Sultana

308. “The culture of this city is like no other. Many important men and women have made the Golden City their home because they fell in love with it.” Mike O’Halloran

309. “San Francisco, where love is as comforting as clam chowder in a sourdough bowl.” — Unknown

310. “Love in San Francisco is like a secret garden waiting to be explored, and I’m grateful to have found it with you.” Unknown

More Instagram caption ideas

If you’re looking for Instagram captions and quotes about places around the US, you’ll love these posts. Click on one of the buttons below to read our other quote guides. You might also like our complete guide to spotting ghost followers on Instagram.







Here are more quotes about places around the world.







You might also enjoy our more general Instagram caption posts about travel styles and much more. Here are the best quotes about:







Keep yourself entertained while you travel with these joke guides.


Did I miss anything?
If you have any questions or feel like something is missing from this post, please leave a comment below orcontact me.

My most important travel tips and resources

Book your flights
Skyscanner is the best website for finding cheap flights since it works like a search engine, so you can find the best deals across all airlines.

Book hotels and hostels
Booking.com: Best worldwide
Agoda: Best in South East Asia
Hostelworld: Best for hostels

Book tours, transport and rental cars
Viator: The best place to book tours, day trips and excursions for all budgets
12Go: Great for ferries, trains, transfers and buses in South East Asia
Discover Cars: Best deals for rental cars around the word

Get travel insurance
Every traveller needs travel insurance, and I mean every single one. SafetyWing covers you in case of injury, illness or worse, and they’ve got your back if your bag is stolen, flights are cancelled or in case of a natural disaster.

Pay abroad
Ask any traveller, Wise is the best choice when it comes to sending money abroad. They’ve always got the best exchange rates, lowest fees, and their visa card is great for getting cash out or paying abroad.

Things every traveller needs:
Osprey Farpoint 70 Backpack
Detachable daypack, ultra-light, durable and free repairs for life. There’s a reason why so many backpackers have this bag.
Packing Cubes
Packing cubes are a gamer changer, keeping your luggage organised and providing tons of extra space.
Power bank
There is nothing worse than running out of battery on an overnight bus journey or a long flight. With a power bank, you can charge your electronics on the go and make sure you’re always connected.
Micro-fibre towel
These lightweight towels are foldable, fast-drying, and, so useful when you’re travelling.

➼ You can find 15 more things every traveller needs here. Some might be a bit controversial, but I warned you!

310 Quotes And Instagram Captions About San Francisco (2024)


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.